

授課:伍軒宏 老師

"He awoke - and wanted Mars." --- Phlip K. Dick in his short story"We Can Remember It for You Wholesale"


Total Recall
Total Recall Poster


-Paul Verhoeven 保羅范赫文(1990)






-THE question: Who am I? “okay, then if I’m not me, who the hell am I?”

-Socrates, “know thy self”

-「裡面」與「內在」的探索 in Batman “inside, I’m more”

- in Total Recall “A man is defined by his actions. Not his memory.”

- in Batman Begins “But it’s not who you are underneath. It’s what you do that defines you.” à自我是在裡面還是在外面 (endless replication of “self” (post-modernism); fundamental fantasy (psychology))


-Verhoeven’s Dutch films, Soldier of Orange(1977); Black Book(2006);Basic Instinct();RoboCop(1967)(我幼稚園最喜歡的影集!!!)Starship Troopers!!!!!(1997)(驚嘆嘆號我加的XD)伍師:書有很深的法斯西陰影;電影怪怪的喔……某吳:Isn’t is meant to be sarcastic?;Hollow Man(2002)



Paycheck Poster

-Paycheck by 吳宇森(伍師:好奇怪,不推)

(之後談Blade Runner再詳加介紹~)




-Mars as dreamland.

-The woman is his dreams; a cipher of desire. (知識是與性牽引的;佛:夢是想望,是現在的,非過去的)(色情廣告後的資訊)

-為什麼每天晚上夢到Brunette?( isn’t blonde better than black girl?)()


- 壓力、凝視與欲望 To achieve more than what one has and is “I feel like I was made for something more than this” To do something, to be somebody “I want to do something with my life , to be somebody.” (referring to Gang Movies?)

- 凝視 ex. the bombard of commercial, visual impact

- 壓抑 ex. go when being told not to go

- Saturn(冷靜?) vs. Mars(衝動?)


It’s the question of the subject, not the object. (短篇中更提及真實的旅行往往會忘記,透過技術,可以記得一切,豈不更好?(所以要寫遊記(崩潰))

-“Taking a vacation from oneself”如何開自己?或,如何再造自我?透過操弄記憶(歷史都可以再造,由強者改寫。伍師:大家都在改寫教科書啊!) à電影《王牌冤家》(2004) 老師大力推薦:「超過Inception!

- “A choice of alternative identities.”

- An archetypal adventure. (正妹、英雄、大冒險!)

- 進入旅程?尚未進入旅程?

- A crucial point the entry into fake memory or continuation of the same space-time?

- Embolism

- The Agency(情報單位)

Cf. The Bourne Identity (2002)


Total Recall?  This is actually ironical.

Mirror: Recognition scene? 為何是阿拉伯/異國裝扮?


Erotic/romantic motivation


Debugging(comical scene(師:有必要那麼大嗎?把阿諾的鼻孔弄得超大的XD)

A similar “debugging” process in The Matrix: the first step to become oneself; initiation

“Self-reliance” and Symbolic death?(血濺到臉上,象徵性的死亡)


Mars colony demands independence, from Earth.(《怒月》The Moon is a Harsh Mistress啊!!!)

-        What do you want? 一直問:你要什麼?

-        祕密+過去

-        不要去Last Resort (being told not to go)

-        不記得我們?不我得我自己。看到Brunette後決定自己是Quail. (“wanting to get inside” “inside of what”)

-        精神分析師/醫師(掌握知識權威者)決定什麼是真實Cf. 科幻電影中對科學家的不信任 (伍師:Matrix 中的建築師、The Truman Show的父親)

-        What is real? What is dream?

-        葯丸的選擇(吃不吃?)比較:《駭客任務》裡的葯丸與選擇(吃哪顆),有何不同? “It’s a symbol of desire”

-        陷入脫離現/真實的精神分裂。

-        精神分裂(psychosis)的案例:The Cell(入侵腦細胞,2000),病患拒絕「現實」,完全躲在自我的防衛裡。

-        如何分辨真實?虛幻?  「汗水」(biological trace)是「真實」的佐證?電影如何鼓吹「真實」?

-        終於通過界線(跨過門檻),進入祕密基地。

-        火星的祕密在「深處」   人的祕密?Kuato (Quarto的祕密)Quair的祕密?

-        人裡面的人 What we wan à What we are ?

-        「比我更我的我」《哈利波特》中的佛地魔、《變身怪醫》、蝙蝠俠裡的雙面人、《一個頭兩個大》

-        “To Remember?”

-        為什麼要記得?記憶有什麼用?

-        副主題:改造女性

-        Hollywood: to turn the impossible by wanting it so bad/urgency/belief

-        “Are you still you?”好萊塢解決方式 a kiss can tell

-        Part of the reason for Quaid not returning to Hauser, but… why does he go to Rekall in the first place?

n   “I am Quaid”意志=本體?

n   夢只是夢?夢創造現實? “you’re a stupid dream”

n   “I just had a terrible thought. What if this is a dream?”重點不在合不合理,而在於我們想要什麼情?



“He awoke – and wanted Mars.” àObsession, craving, ultimate fantasy, yearning

與電影不同,在電影中火星並不是個充滿美好幻想(fantasy)的地方,只有兩種東西sex and violence.


吃葯- 六○年代,可控制情緒、帶來新的可能性(幻想)再加上PKD自己的經驗。

“He inhaled briskly, …”

不好的夫妻關係- (p. 268)compulsion, obsession (Mars) v.s. Terra/Earth


(p.269) “You want to have gone” 搞笑的情節:還幫忙造假就像《王牌冤家》的情節般,還提供出去玩寄的明信片。

(p.270) “Is an extra-factual memory that convincing?...” “such deep implantation”àmore real than real


about Lifelong ambition



1.Matrix 中你會拿red pill or blue pill?


3.Anderson如何漸漸相信他就是The One 救世主(How does Anderson come to believe he is “the one”?) Thinking Believing 的差別?

4.先知為何要暗示Anderson不是The One


6.第二集為何要有collective orgy(集體狂歡)的場景?

7.第二集中為何有機械mechanical v.s. digital (mankind somehow prefer the mechanical to the digital)







1 括號裡的字如果沒特別註明多半是我的吐嘈、筆記

2 放在電腦旁的巧克力好像快融掉了啊啊啊!(白痴)

(謝謝貞吟的金塊,最近金價正好在上漲耶!XD(誤)巧克力好好吃~ (可是其實我是要帶回家在吃的,沒想到笨到放筆電附近,就只好提早吃了))


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