
授課:伍軒宏 老師



[先從上次布希亞擬象論提到的Ballard(老師:J. D. 芭樂)]

J. G. Ballard, novelist


The Drowned World (1962)

The Atrocity Exhibition (1969)前衛文本和議論的混合

Crash (1973) 探討「速度」(speed),死亡(支體的分散)與情欲(人的不整合),人與機器的結合。(errotic)à車禍的情慾化,一個充滿爭議的文本。[想到賀景濱去了XD]


Crash, the movie,

dir., David Cronenberg, 1996 [是奇怪但不難看的Existence導演]

Empire of the Sun(1984) 作者本人是在上海長大的英國人。但這本很不像他的小說。

Empireof the Sun, the movie,

dir., Steven Spielberg, 1987


[回到Blade Runner]

More about 銀翼殺手More about Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Do androids dream of electronic sheep?


Other terms and words


Empathy box 譯為「性靈交感盒子」、「神靈交感盒子」、「交感神盒」



The Synthetic Freedom Fighter



Buster Friendly譯為「友善的巴思德」

Voigt-Kampff Empathy Test譯為「孚極特靈性交感測驗」



Can a android dream of electronic sheep?

Bounty hunter賞金獵人


-       To tell the difference. (回到布希亞-沒有差別就沒有stimulation) 機器測試方法

-       (p.14)想買隻真的羊(obsession)

-       像生化人般,冷淡的太太(伍師:人的distinctive feature不在是ration 而是 sentiments)情緒調節器。

-       (p.19)電子羊、世界終戰的背景(受輻射汙染的)、支持移民的

-       (p.23)控制面板、擬真動物

-       (p.27)老師:銀翼殺手?是賞金獵人才對。

-       (p.4243)Deckard的新工作(對象:生化人法律上屬於火星的、事生產的)

-       (p.44)俄製的機器。 無法以智力測驗來驗出生化人。

-       (p.45)人是?emotional empathy

-       (p.46)(奇怪的翻譯?)absolute evil

-       (p.54) Test


-       (p.28)deserted, wasted place 廢棄的問題。「貓頭鷹」先死所代表?

-       (p.29)人工合成自由鬥士?Android存在的必要性?為何存在?

-       (p.33)雞雞人 (p.34-35) “無比的死寂”[末世的景像]

-       Kipple is a term coined byscience fiction author PKD in the Do androids Dream of electronic sheep?. Itrefers to unwanted or useless junk that tends to reproduce itself. Some of Dick’sdescriptions of it suggest and analogy to entropy. According to two charactersfrom the book.

-       Entropy(熵,亂度,能趨疲) quantity specifying the amount of disorder or randomness in asystem bearing energy or information. Originally defined in thermodynamics interms of heat and temperature entrpy indicates the degree to which a givenquantity the degree of which a useful work – the greater the entropy, the lessavailable the energy.

-       都比喻了John Isidor和這個衰敗的世界

-       Set in San Francisco (the moviein L. A.)

-       (p.39)倒數二段 collective sensibility ,在觸孤許久後感到他人的驚/喜?


要放Final Cut耶!是否該去總圖找來看呢?



(p.174) 女性機器人as()伴侶、戀愛對象 – ex. Cherry 2000

(p.175) 與愛慾、性相關的事都是違法的,但大家還是照做 transgression itself is fun

(p.130)no man is an island is by John Donnenot by Shakespeare



(p.186)生化人大頭(符號學 – vs奧黛麗赫本 by )





做夢dream- unconscious- 壓抑repression



He works out in the left field on his own.(他特立獨行)





Blade Runner Poster

Novel: PKD Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep?(1968)

Blade Runner名來自WilliamBurroughs作品(特別買來的)



Blade Runner銀翼殺手 (1982)Ridley Scott



Blade Runner: executioner?

-       Futuristic Cityscape and Spectacles(甚至遠大於劇情、人物的描寫è影響了往後的科幻片)設計場景的工作人員也製作了《第三類接觸》

-       San FranciscoàLA [but somehow looks more like NY] with big chunks of commercial,advertisement (also used in Minority Report, or… perhaps in our world)

-       The landing scene (1927費茲朗,《大都會》)

-       Enjoyment as a injunction. “Pleaseenjoy.”享樂的指令

-       Pyramid-like building(《大都會》科技與宗教的結合;《阿波卡獵逃》)

-       Gothic building àhybrid (《第五元素》在城市逃亡的場景)

-       The Bradbury Building (模仿Graphic Novel “The Long Tomorrow”[硬漢黑色電影TheLong Goodbye])(漫畫《諸神混亂》、電影……)

-       The Street Scene:東方主義、多元文化的雜亂空間 the new life? the leftover?

-       Street language, oriental,fragmented

n   東方的老闆(《第五元素》的也是)

n   押井守《攻殼》以香港為想像投射的範圍

n   青島啤酒[NeuromancerKirin BeerXDDDD]

n   “Chinatown”作為文化的符碼 (from racistàfashion)(伍師:像是很亂違法的夜市文化,後來變成台灣大為宣傳的特色之一)

-       Future Noir「黑色電影」元素—the “retro” look, a sci-fi movie, retro-flective (黑白反差攝影方法;低照明度;斜角切入光源(ex. 隔板應用、窗門敝起的效果)(伍師:起先可能是戰時拍電影因為器材、照明不足,採取像法國電影的手法XD);不平衡的構圖;夜景;下雨、潮溼的街道;硬漢偵探小說成規[小吳:我愛死穿風衣的男生了>///<])

n   亞倫亥德..硬漢風衣!

n   Batman “nice coat”

-       身份成謎的女主角(Rachael)

n   女人禍水(一樣是Film Noir的要素之一)

n   Barbie Doll

n   A secret known—barrowed memories

n   放下頭髮àuncover emotion, sexual implication (which is also uncovering one’emotion)

n   Piano playing- action define who you are

n   Controversial: taught to feel and love (woman as a dominated puppet)

-       The V. K. Test, question aboutthe origin (在小說中是動物的問題造成不安)

-       The eye defines who you are?

-       自我的懷疑(人的價值所在)

-       More human than human. (《大都會》中的Eve “Give me 24 hours and I'll make you a machine no one can tellfrom a human being”科學家造人的野心)

n   If we give them a past, we give them a cushion. (memory defines ouridentity)

n   相對,也可以透過改變記憶改變一個人

n   Replicant (科學怪人、大都會中的女機器人)

n   Living in fear like all human but with even shorter lives.

n   Human emotion as sth distinctive?

-       Designer (maker, father) andthe one being created (son)

n   It’s not an easy thing to meet your maker. (SF tradition)

n   Pinocchio Complex

n   “Can a maker repair what he makes?”

n   “life burn as bright …not as long”

n   弒父場景 (眼睛:光、智慧、知識)

-       The Final Combat

n   The hunter becomes the hunted. (貓捉老鼠的遊戲)

n   Deckard反抗。掙扎才是生命的意義所在。

n   Dove as spirit, love, and peace (老師:老梗XD)

n   Irony: those not gifted of human life doesn’t know what it means tobe human; those gifted, never knows until the last minute.

n   Redemption, empathy

-       Guard (官方的、非白人的)

n   “you’ve done a man’s job”

n   人難免一死/ Deckard是否也是複製人?(四年的 lifespan)

-       Deckard’s Dream

n   Photos; test “Did you take that test yourself?”

n   As a replicant (the unicorn) (《極光追殺令》(Dark City)一切都是假的[好看喔!])

-       Scott Bukatman on Blade Runner “The ultimate relevance of …..undecidedintermediate state that made me human…. The conflict exists human as a uniqueand independent being…..”[上網找]

-       大友克洋Akira

-       攻殼!

-       影響/形塑cyberpunk風格

n   Cyberpunk ….1984 Neuromancer 3 movie (video drum, trum, bladerunner)anticipated



1 我想要去找Crash和Naked Lunch的電影來看,不過前者被這門課的老師說相當provocative;後都則是直接被當代美國文學的老師評為disgusting。我猜應該比Clockwork Orange的衝擊力更大吧!XDD

2 然後我就想到原本想說要做電影小說比較的幾部@@ (華氏四五一度、發條橘子、別讓我走……)

3 Scott Bukatman 的電影分析感覺好棒!可是學校圖書館好像都找不到……等我弄完浪漫時期英文國學的報告再說吧!(淚~) じゃね。


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