

授課:伍軒宏 老師

The Matrix Poster

The Matrix 駭客任務

by The Wachowski Brothers(1999)

老師:跟上一部一樣,都是一個上班族的苦惱XD(It’s all about their fantasy~)

-        “part of a whole” assimilation (老師:摩登時代就有這樣的主題)

-        Choice

-        Trapped in a cubical, in the place assigned by the system

-        被夢神(Morpheus)呼換

-        Is he ready to “see”?

-        Being hunted

-        自認只是無名小卒,只普通人 “I am nobody, I can’t do anything”

-        Under surveillance (被困住的ex. 凸面鏡的象徵)

-        Double life (an ordinary life and an outlaw)

-        Rights- phone call?(而且一定要老式電話) What does it mean? Silenced and Penetrated(bugged)

-        A Date

n   網路上傳來的訊息與呼喚

n   來自網路的指示

n   老師:曹操有百萬大軍,我們有朋友啊!而且都要上facebook找。(眾:XDDDDDD)

n   What is “that road”? “You know that road, you know exactly where it ends.”(the road: ordinary life)

-        Digital illusion (allusion to《愛麗斯夢遊仙境》全在地洞內吃不明食物後世界(真實)產生變化) the protagonist as Alice in Alice in Wonderland

-        101號房(開始)

-        布希亞(Jean Baudrillard)著作,書名:Simulacra and Simulation (a hallowed book , in the chapter “On Nihilism”

-        Colloquial language with references to the Messiah “Oh you’re my savior man”

-        “Alice” meeting “Trinity”: reversal of genders?

-        THE Question “It’s the question that drives us, Neo.”

-        Matrix而接近,共同的疑問,想要找解答而在一起(很像教徒相遇)

-        Trinity in the opening sequence (Trinity 不是普通人)

-        Trinity more a male, and Neo more of a female(like“Alice”)

-        To “know” something by feeling it.

-        Agent Smith[clean, bright] vs. Morpheus[gothic, religious]: a contrast(why Agent “Smith”)

-        “Blind the truth” “What truth?”à被壓迫,被欺騙,被宰治的(「自我」的牢籠)



-        為何無法被告知? “This is your last chance” “You have to see it for yourself”à老師:最好的廣告台詞!

-        Blue pill: truth; Red pill: back to Wonderland

-        Mirrorshade

-        紀傑克(Slavoj Zizek)評論「紅葯丸vs.藍葯丸」,「真實vs.虛幻」之間選的難局(what is the third “bill” ? (加重音!))à老師:原本要打transcription,但你要聽他講話才有趣!(XDDDDDD)

n   “But the choice between the blue and the red pill is not really a choice between illusion and reality. Of course the Matrix is a machine for fiction, but these are fictions which already structure our reality. It you take away from our reality the symbolic fictions that regulate it , you lose reality itself. I want the third pill. So what is the third pill? Definitely not some kind of transcend….”

-        Going to a fantasy world?  Referring to 《綠野仙踨》:Dorothy “Toto, I’ve a feeling that we are no in Kansas anymore. We must be over the rainbow.”

-        How can we tell the difference?


-        比傅柯監視更與殘酷的


-        在鏡中看見自已

-        從水中重生 Morpheus “welcome to the new world”眼神有如在看嬰兒般

-        針灸《攻殼》式的場景

-        船名的象徵

-        真像從電視中得知(師:有圖有真相 吳:老師好宅XD(蓋章))

-        《魔鬼終結者》AI僭越

-        布希亞“ the desert of the real”

n   布希亞的「擬象論」

n   紀傑克Welcome to the Desert of the Real “When the hero…..”(911下的英雄毀滅)

-        The irony of technology in human civilization.(主體變客體,客體被主體)

-        Zion(猶太聖地,復國主義)

-        補充:袁和平,袁家莊的自我指涉(醉拳)

n   Neo的教育過程(老師:重心太高有問題)

n   Konfu game culture

n   Crossing the door, the threshold(必須自己走過的)

-        政治教育:尼采-法蘭克福學派?反現代性?


-        Us vs. Them的邏輯

-        Cypher complex

n   Ignorance is bliss

n   拒絕記憶

-        Nebuchadnezzar# 1. The Babylon King who built the Hanging Garden 2. A large wine bottle

-        何謂「人」?

-        Trinity 的祕密(Anderson怎麼變成the one?)

-        語言的意義何在?對錯?好壞?善惡?

-        受教於小朋友 “There’s no spoon”

-        比較《關鍵報告》female as the oracle (stereotypical), at the kitchen(warm, nurturing)[上禮拜剛學完劇本Trifles,讓我想到kitchen比較像a room of her own(Woolf)]

n   預言的弔詭 (ex. 伊底帕斯,愈逃避愈是被引導完成)

n   自己評估? “Do you think you are the One?”  (伍師:算命的收錢還問你說你覺得自己如何如何……)

n   “Know Thyself ” Delphi阿波羅神廟外庭、蘇格拉底主要訓示

n   尋找自我時也是在創新自我

n   “Being the One is like being in love.”不自覺的[鴨子硬上架的XD]

n   吃餅乾=領聖體

n   Singular speech “what she said is said for you”

-        “Welcome to the real world,” said Cypher (irony)

-        Trinity as martyr

-        為何完美的Matrix行不通?

-        Agent Smith’s critique of human species and civilization

-        Agent affected by the human world? (having preferences)

-        影史著名殺陣(受《攻殼機動隊》影響甚鉅)

-        為了要拯救別人(犧牲),而造就自己

-        先相信再做or the other way?(先跪下禱告才相信還是先相信才跪下?)


[可以去找找日本試與Matrix 相同的動作的挑戰節目]


-        Aporia of death: La mort ou l’amour? [where is the love?]

-        The Sleeping Beauty motif (Anderson擔當的比較像是女性角色)

-        死而復生 (knowing à believing à being)

“The world without rules and controls, without boundaries” but is this possible?備受批評的後結構主義


-        類似電影

-        1 Dark City (1998)

-        2 The Truman Show(1998)

-        3 The Thirteenth Floor(1999)

-        4 The Island(2005) 超吵的版本

-        5 Never Let Me Go(2010)安靜版 [got the novel at the library and totally looking forward to this one]


雖然The Wachowski Bro似乎認為Matrix第一集開場,布希亞的「擬象論」,但布老似乎不覺得如此:

“The actors are in the matrix, that is, in the digitized system of things; or they are radically outside it, such as in Zion, the city of resistors. But what would be interesting is to show what happens when these two collided. The most embarrassing part of the film is that the new problem poses by simulation…”


“The pseudo-Freud who speaks at the film’s conclusion puts it well: at a certain moment, we reprogrammed the matrix in order to integrate anomalies into the equation. And you, the resistor, comprise a part of it. Thus we are, it seems, within a total virtue circuit without an exterior. Here again I am in theoretical disagreement. The matrix paints the picture of monopolistic superpower like one see today, and them collaborates in its refraction. Basically, its dissemination on the world scale is complicated with the film itself”


-        Coming home to Zion(反攻大陸復興基地!())[然後又想到《怒月》XD]

-        日式機動裝甲:比較《機動戰士Gundam

-        The gathering of all kinds of people, multi-cultural

-        好機器與壞機器(control and being controlled)

-        Painting of The Wrestling of Angel

-        PURPOSE  Agent Smith: “There’s no escaping reason, no denying purpose… It’s purpose that connects us, pupose that pulls us, that guides us. That drives us. It purpose that guides us, that bribes us.” 

Man in Black的意義:與資本主義的興起有關。男人不在以華麗之衣著展現自我。



-        第一、二集: inevitability

-        Smith同質化+延生 àvirus 的定義

-        Cornel West character “Comprehension is not a requisite of cooperation.”     行動>知識

n   第一集布希亞是知來源;到了第二集,找上Cornel West,為什麼?

n   作品Race MattersThe American Evasion of Philosophy (強調multi-cultures, minorities, the marginal)

-        Meeting the Merovingian (why Merovingian?) 法國色彩意義何在?(邊緣文化對抗腐化的白人貴族(精英))

-        +鑰匙 (we a key maker)

-        Causality: the “only real truth” in the universe. (according to Merovingian) “Choice is an illusion to deceive the powerless” “Knowing why is what separate us from them” [但我想到的是拿破崙(好像)講的:宗教是安撫窮人,使他們不會革命而生]

-        Morpheus: Choice, Destiny

-        Why is the Key-maker an Asian? 機會?

-        Persephone’s(?) betrayal

-        八卦:為了追逐戲而蓋了一條公路!XD


Meeting one’s Maker

1:面見造物者(自稱Architect的造物者,布希亞戲稱為 “Pseudo Freud” [去找圖 ((科幻)電影常見情節,尋找自我的源頭。Because we are all sons and daughter of Adam and Eve)

2 : The “monster” meets Frankenstein in Frankenstein, The Bride of Frankenstein the movie

3 : “It’s not an easy thing to meet your maker” Blade Runner (1982)

4 :  A.I. (2001)

5:  The Truman Show(1998)


-        Neo as the remainder of a system an error or a left-over

-        But an “inherent” error, even a necessary error.

-        Neo as the “eventuality of an anomaly”

-        An anomaly which cannot be eliminated, but it is not unexpected and not beyond control.


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